Enhancing Customer Loyalty for Pet Stores (Part 2)

All business owners should know that it is much more difficult and more expensive to gain a new customer than to retain an existing customer. When it comes to pet store marketing, we do spend some time focusing on both areas. However, our philosophy is not to get our pet store clients a massive influx of new customers that purchase one item or come into the store one time. If you want a more in-depth look at what we do and how we do it, schedule a discovery call with us at your convenience!

Our pet store marketing philosophy is about maximizing customer loyalty and getting the most from the customers that already love your pet store, making their experience there better and increasing visit frequency and purchase size. So how do we get there? We get to work on enhancing customer loyalty for pet stores. Check out Part 1 if you haven’t already and join our free community for pet store owners to stay up to date on all of this juicy information.

Enhancing Customer Loyalty
For Pet Stores

One of the best ways to enhance customer loyalty and make your customers advocate for your pet store to other potential customers is to extend their pet store experience.

What do we mean by that?

Create reasons for your pet parent customers to stay in your pet store, or to visit your pet store, for a reason other than simply purchasing a product. If your customers only come to you for retail purposes, they will soon learn that they can get that product with more simplicity and convenience through online retailers.

So, we need to improve the offerings in your pet store! Here are a few examples and ideas that you could use and run with to enhance customer loyalty for your pet store:

Offer more services/products

Does your pet store have space to add a self-operated dog wash?

Do you have space where you can partner with local trainers and offer classes or programs?

Can your store include a small dog park? If it does, is it optimized or is it….just a fenced-in space? Consider adding small agility training obstacles, or bathtubs, or toy stations.

Create a community space

Can you offer coffee, snacks, or refreshments for customers to spend a few extra minutes in the store?

Do you have an area to offer event space, meeting rooms, or other functions? Would you consider reducing (or improving the efficiency of) your retail racking to make room for this?

Marketing your space online

Are your extra offerings well-known by your customer base?

Do you post online about what’s currently happening or ongoing in your community space?


The best part about these initiatives are that not only do they enhance customer loyalty for your pet store, but they bring in additional lines of revenue which brings pet store owners more profit! What have you done to enhance customer loyalty for your pet store? We’d love to hear and chat about it!


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