COVID-19 Survival Guide: Pet Store Strategies to Weather the Storm

The world is changing, faster and more suddenly than most of us expected.

And beyond the fraught health emergencies that so many of us are going through, many of us in the pet industry are being asked to adapt, change, and roll with the punches, uncertain of what the future looks like.

At Pet Engine Marketing, we have been encouraging our clients to do a few things:

  • Stay calm, rational, strategic, and reasonable. Be transparent in your interactions with your customers, process the available scenarios (best-case, worst-case, and most-likely-case), and analyze the threats and opportunities with each.

  • This is an opportunity to make things better, to run the business tighter, more efficiently and/or effectively, to reinvent the default, to be a bastion of hope, joy, and help for your communities. As lockdowns go into effect, many pet stores will stay open as essential businesses. Now is the time for courage to step up and be there for the community that is there for you.

  • Understand that this blip in time will pass, and in order to ensure that you are not just still standing, but better off than before, at the end of it should be the primary focus of your job. The quieter days in the next few weeks and months (after the rush of everybody stocking up) are a great opportunity to work on the B-list business priorities that you have been putting off.

  • Take advantage of the free resources that we have available for pet stores:

You might be wondering…how? To all of these things. That’s what this post is for. Pet store strategies to weather the coronavirus and come out looking, feeling, and performing better in the next few months. For more information, feel free to reach out to us to schedule a free 30-minute no-obligation consultation.

COVID-19 Survival Guide:
Pet Store Strategies
to Weather the Storm

Let’s first get into the appropriate mindset for this scenario for other small business owners like us, and go from there.


The key is to not make rash decisions. Take time to fully process the likely scenarios (worst case, most likely case, and best-case scenarios). As you approach each of these scenarios, analyze the risk and opportunities each would present so you can build out options on how to approach each.

Slowing down to think strategically will allow you to make smart and healthy decisions that ultimately impact the future of the business, post these times. Remind yourselves that this is not a permanent situation, it is a blip in time that will pass, we just need to plan intelligently in case it does affect you for the time being.

In 2009, the global stock market took a dip in what was, at the time, the scariest financial scenario of the 21st century. Many businesses suffered, while others got creative and even grew from the opportunities that resulted from that period. The point of this is, don't freak out. Just like any other business challenge, keep calm, strategize through the likely scenarios, the risks, even the opportunities, and work through it. Those seeing the big picture and approaching the situation correctly will find themselves learning to run the business tighter and more successfully, therefore, creating amazing growth options as the smoke clears.

Ideas to Adapt to the Changing Environment

Here at Pet Engine Marketing, we have learned from some of our own clients on strategies to adapt to quarantine and shutdown scenarios. Here are some ideas, tips, strategies, and tactics that we are seeing to be effective for other independent pet store marketing strategies.

An ordering form through Google put out by Pupology.

An ordering form through Google put out by Pupology.

Curbside Service

This is a great way to continue to bring in business (and feed the pets), maximize social distancing, and be convenient for customers. Many independent pet stores are creating something similar to a “drive-through” window.

Some strategies to maximize curbside service:

  • Promote your phone number for phone-ahead ordering and pick-up all over your assets: website, social media, Google My Business, in-store, and local news if possible.

  • Promote an inbox for online ordering, or create a separate email inbox for it specifically.

  • A Google Order Form is a good way to make some of this easier for customers and for you. Here’s a quick guide on setting up a Google Form.

Free Delivery

This might not be a realistic option for ALL of your customers - but keep in mind, you probably won’t have every single customer asking for this as many of them have already stocked up. If you want to go this route, consider putting restrictions on it for customers that are only high-risk for the coronavirus. This is a great way for your store to continue to serve its community while maintaining social distancing standards. Be sure that the product you’re moving has been wiped clean!

In-Store Adjustments

Having (and promoting) a sanitization station, complete with hand sanitizer, wet wipes, paper towels, or even unused poop bags to use instead of latex gloves to prevent the spread of microbes and germs. Customers (new and returning) will appreciate the steps taken to ensure their health and safety.

Some of our clients are repurposing a flux in hours and business by providing a safe hour of shopping for shoppers that are 60+ years old or high-risk. Pet stores can also limit the number of shoppers in-store at a time, prevent pets from coming in, and reduce the risk of transmission by not permitting customers to touch products - only picking them out for staff to handle. We commend these efforts!

Gift Cards

Many of our pet store marketing clients are pushing gift cards right now, and it’s a great idea. A discounted gift card gives you some cash flow right now and ensures future business as well. It’s also the opposite of stockpiling - gift cards guarantee future sales. Find a creative way to get a gift card or coupons out into the hands (or inboxes) of your customers (hint: keep reading!).

Email Marketing

Use your email marketing list to get the word out about when you have restocked items, what additional services you’re offering, how your store is adapting to changes, and general updates.

Your customers will be happy to hear from you, because animals gotta eat!

Big open rates on COVID-19-related communications for our client at Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies.

Big open rates on COVID-19-related communications for our client at Wags to Wiskers Pet Supplies.


Most of our clients here at Pet Engine Marketing are seeing more searches, more website traffic, and more social media engagement than ever before. We are, right now, still riding the wave as people stockpile “essentials” and many of our clients will likely face a quiet or slower few weeks, even months, in the future. Use the website as a platform to get your updates and messages out to your customers.

Google Business Listing

The same strategies apply - more people are looking for different places and ways to purchase items, and it is entirely possible that the grocery store is out of that one food item that their dog or cat like. If you are using Google Business correctly, and your SEO team has you ranking highly, you will be the second option and it’s a chance to convert new business into loyal business.

Reach and engagement on relevent social media content.

Reach and engagement on relevent social media content.

Social Media

Social media is probably the best means of getting information to your customers right now. As more and more businesses close and people spend time at home, we will likely see a spike in social media users and time over the next few weeks. Staying in front of your customers with relevant information is important. It’s also an opportunity to use your platform to spread good news, joy, positivity, community support, and your thoughts at this time. Maximize!

You can use your social media feeds to sell products! This is an ideal time to go Live or post videos of new stock and shipments, new products, products that are still in stock, and take orders by encouraging phone calls or social media outreach.

Cause Marketing Opportunities

Now is a great time to help groups of people that are really in extra need of it:

  • High-risk demographics of coronavirus - offering additional services (delivery or a private shopping time) and an abundance of caution to the elderly and immunocompromised is a great idea and helps flatten the curve and protect those at risk. Consider reaching out to local retirement communities or senior living residences to offer them shopping opportunities that they may be barred from at this moment.

  • Offering a discount for healthcare professionals is an excellent way to show your appreciation for the people in battle right now. They also may be working extended hours, so offering them the same services you might offer the elderly and immunocompromised could be a fruitful marketing strategy for your pet store.

  • Giving away inventory that is at risk of spoiling or expiring is always preferable to throwing it away. Not only does this look great from a public-relations point of view, but there are many people that have lost income right now and are in need.

  • Supporting other local businesses and rescue organizations (they are searching for short-term fosters for pets) is a smart way to build on your local alliances, help animals and organizations that need it, and stay relevant within the industry.

These are all great opportunities to generate some positive news and publicity regarding your pet store - post on social media, work with your allies to get the word out, and contact local news to make the offers spread!

Cost-Saving Strategies and Resources

Worried about those quiet months and weeks ahead? You should be - it’s a real concern and the future is uncertain right now. Consider changing your hours, reducing employees at the store (for their health, your health, and simply because they’re not needed). Checking in with your manufacturers and distributors to see what kinds of programs they are rolling out during this time is also a good idea, as your inventory management may need some extra consideration.

Business Catastrophe Help

Businesses may find things in the next 30-90 days significantly different than how they had hoped the post-winter months being from a revenue perspective. If you already know that you will need monetary support in the near future, look into the following resources to help you navigate this

  • Business Interruption Insurance: Does your Insurance Policy include coverage in a situation like this? Here is an article that includes a discussion on coverage in this situation. Every policy is different, so read your policy and call your agent.

  • You might qualify for the SBA Disaster Assistance Loan in the US. We’re waiting to hear about additional stimulus options for Canadian businesses affected. Wait times and lines may lengthen, so if this is a real necessity for you, we recommend looking into SBA options immediately.

COVID-19 Survival Guide:
Pet Store Strategies

More than ever, people are looking for guidance and reassurance today. The world does not need additional clutter-media and hysteria to add to the madness. As an essential business that is staying open, pet stores have an opportunity here to solidify themselves even further with their loyal customer base and even gain new customers, so long as they can continue to provide their services and products in a manner that respects the public health and safety. For some stores that do not utilize modern marketing methods, this can be challenging. For others that adapt and even make the most of this, they will come out cleaner, stronger, and better in the next few months.

And finally, a word from us here at Pet Engine Marketing. Please listen to the CDC, wash your hands, be overly cautious around the elderly and infirm, and do your best to stay healthy. Our behavior over the next few weeks determines the future of the next few months, and our options are to come together as a community and stay strong through this, or fail spectacularly and pay the horrific consequences.

Again, for a free 30-minute consultation on anything pet-business-related, please reach out to us. To get this information monthly, join our free community of pet store owners by subscribing and following us!


April 2020 Marketing Calendar for Pet Stores


March 2020 Marketing Calendar for Pet Stores