Social Media Habits by Generations

A report recently came onto our desk based on research done by The Manifest on social media habits by generation. You can take a look at the report yourself HERE, but we’ll take this opportunity to summarize it and give some of our insights as to what it means for pet stores and how the data might affect pet store marketing strategies and tactics.

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Social Media Habits by Generations

627 social media users were interviewed and the results were aggregated into these four illustrations. The researchers examined the social media habits of four generations: Generation Z (age 13-17), Millennials (age 18-34), Generation X (age 35-54), and Baby Boomers (age 55+). We’ll give our thoughts on the data, some of it is surprising.

Every Generation is Using Social Media…Daily

This isn’t surprising to us. As millennials, the team at Pet Engine Marketing understand pretty clearly how ingrained social media has come to be in our daily lives. We are among the first generation to truly grow up with computers and cell phones.

Major takeaway: If you want to be seen or heard, one of the best places to do it is on social media. If your pet store’s social media isn’t what you’d like it to be, guess what? It’s our bread and butter, and we’d love the chance to show you how we can get it growing. Give us a call to see where the rabbit hole goes.

Gen Z uses Fewer Social Media Platforms

This isn’t surprising to us either. All in all, people spend too much time on these platforms, and we have been witnesses to data scandals, mental health issues related to overuse, and unsavory platform owners and operators that have turned many users off and away from social media tools. So, it’s a little encouraging to see that the younger generation of Americans aren’t spending so much time on all of their platforms.

Major takeaway: There’s not a ton to change here, and we are going to continue tooting the same horn. The major demographic for pet stores to focus on with their marketing is millennials, a class that is trending towards pet ownership, homeownership, and socioeconomic fluidity. They are stick with Facebook (see next point).

36% of Gen Z use Facebook

This actually is surprising to us, although maybe not for the reason that you’re thinking.

What’s surprising to us here is not that Gen Z members aren’t using Facebook, it’s the sheer amount that aren’t. It’s a huge drop from 87% of millennials to 36% of Gen Z. That’s a big difference.

Regardless, our point from above still stands: as a pet store owner, your primary market is, most likely, not Gen Z at this point. You can focus on them in ten years.

Younger Generations are Using Snapchat

In truth, it’s not that younger generations aren’t on social media platforms as much - they’re just on different ones. The rise of TikTok provides for some interesting capabilities, but from a marketing and product-selling perspective, it’s unclear how effective the platform can be. Nonetheless, it does collect data and ultimately that’s what these platforms are really after.

Major takeaway: With a heavy millennial presence using Snapchat, it’s still a good idea for pet store owners to use Snapchat on a weekly basis. As a pet store owner, consider designating one of your employees as the store’s Snapchat operator. Be sure to set rules!

Social Media Habits by Generations

Data says that millennials and even boomers are on social media platforms (that Pet Engine Marketing excel with). Younger generations may prove to be a different cookie to crack, but at the moment we’re still running smoothly with our strategies and tactics that bring pet parents into your pet store. These social media habits by generation prove that they are great places to promote your pet store to potential customers.


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