How to Keep Your Best Pet Store Employees [Infographic]

Your business won’t succeed without reliable, competent, trustworthy employees. So when you find those A+ pet store employees, what are you as the pet store owner doing to keep them there for longer? Are you providing relevant rewards, more responsibility, less of a task they dislike or aren’t proficient at?

We came across the below infographic on how to retain talented employees from Patriot Software and thought some of our pet store owners would benefit from giving it a quick scan. If you’re having trouble with staff members leaving too soon or finding, just make it harder to leave! As always, give us a follow for more content like this that can help your pet store marketing and business growth. Join our free community of pet store owners to get monthly emails from us.

How to Keep Your Best Pet Store Employees [Infographic]

So, what do our community members think of this? What are you doing to mend relationships with disgruntled employees or keep your best team members at your store for longer? We’d love to know as we are all about helping independent local pet stores in one way or another!


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